Domen Ljubljana apartment

Splošna obvestila in pogoji bivanja
Apartma se nahaja na Šarhovi ulici za Bežigradom, nasproti AMZS, v neposredni bližini WTC in obvoznice in je približno 3,5 km oddaljen od Prešernovega trga. V bližini, 100 metrov stran, je avtobusna postaja avtobusa številka 6 in 8, ki vozita direktno v center.
Apartma je udobno in funkcionalno opremljen. Ima spalnico z deljivim zakonskim ležiščem (2x90 x 200 cm), dnevno sobo, kjer je raztegljiv kavč (140 x 200 cm), CATV, brezplačni širokopasovni žični in brezžični (Wi-Fi) internetni dostop in pisalna miza s telefonom. Gostom so na voljo posteljnina, brisače, likalnik, likalna deska in sušilnik za lase. Kuhinja je opremljena s posodo, priborom, mešalnikom, štedilnikom s pečico, mikrovalovno pečico in velikim hladilnikom ter jedilnim kotom. V kopalnici je poleg umivalnika in kopalne kadi še pralni stroj, stranišče je ločeno. Apartma ima balkon s pogledom na mesto in gore v daljavi, saj se nahaja v šestem nadstropju. Zgradba je sicer starejša, vendar dobro vzdrževana in ima dvigalo. Pred zgradbo je brezplačno javno parkirišče.
Domen Ljubljana apartment
Tip (*)
Šarhova ulica
Lokacija (*)
Kategorija (*)
Naša ocena
Površina m²
Št. ležišč
Št. pomožnih ležišč
Št. spalnic
Posteljnina, brisače
Jedilni pribor, posoda, gost. aparati
Lastna kopalnica
TV z več kot 40-imi programi
Internet (*)
Pisalna miza
Mikrovalovna pečica
Pomivalni stroj
Pralni stroj
Balkon (B)/Terasa (T)/Loža (L)
Garaža (G)/Privatno parkirišče (P) (*)
Cena/dan (01.04.-01.11.) (Št. oseb)
od 75 € (1-2)
od 87 € (3)
od 99 € (4)
Cena/dan (01.11.-01.04.) (Št. oseb)
od 65 € (1-2)
od 77 € (3)
od 89 € (4)
od 455 €
od 1.190 €
Now that it’s my 4th vacation to Slovenia, it must tell now how much I enjoy it. I just wish I had figured out accommodation in apartments earlier. There is something for sure- I will arrange my following accommodations with TOUR AS. Thank you very much for everything (from Turkey)

Congratulations Tour As! This apartment is comfortable, well connected to the tour center and has got a reasonable price. It made us feel like home during our stay in Lubiana – a wonderful city indeed. Hope to come back very soon! Lubiana I’ll miss you! (from Italy)

This place felt very much like home, it was great to be in the apartment, after weeks in hotels, plus the location was excellent for us, being at a conference at Faculty of Economics. Great view too, it was strange for us to see mountains. We'll definitely be recommending the apartment to others, as apparently the hotels suck anyway. We highly recommend a trip to Piran and the beach. Kompas do a great tours of the town. We've been very impressed with Slovenia.

Perfect! Could not have asked for better accommodations. Service was efficient and friendly from booking onward. Hope to find a program and lodging such as this wherever I travel in the future. This is an excellent model to encourage future tourism. Thank you.

We stayed for a week in the Domen and enjoyed the convenient location and the comfortable facilities. All the comfort of home in a beautiful setting. We enjoyed whiling away the house in Ljubljana's bars and cafes, shopping at the market, visiting the castle, taking day trips to the countryside. The Skocjan caves were fantastic. Thanks so much.

Hi,I have to say that I had a brilliant time here and some crazy nights too! I am amazed of what Slovenia had to offer. Special thanks to the apartment and specially to that splendid view of the mountains.
A2 + 2
Šarhova ulica
od 65 € za 2 osebi