Irena Ljubljana apartment
Apartma se nahaja v centru Ljubljane, v novejši, mirni soseski na Komenskega ulici, samo 500 m od Prešernovega trga. Gostom nudi udobje in zasebnost med njihovim bivanjem v Ljubljani.
Apartma je elegantno opremljen. Ima spalnico z zakonsko posteljo (180 x 200 cm). Kuhinja je opremljena s štedilnikom s pečico, priborom, velikim hladilnikom, mikrovalovno pečico. V nadaljevanju kuhinje je jedilni kot ter dnevni del z udobnim kavčem, ki se raztegne v dodatno ležišče dimenzije (160 x 200 cm). V kopalnici sta tuš in pralni stroj. Apartma ima balkon s sedežno garnituro, kjer lahko gostje uživajo v toplih dneh. V apartmaju je LCD TV, CATV, telefon, brezplačni širokopasovni žični in brezžični (Wi-Fi) internetni dostop, klima, likalnik z likalno desko, sušilnik za lase, posteljnina, brisače. Nahaja se v prvem nadstropju v novi zgradbi z dvigalom, iz katerega je dostop do parkirnega mesta v podzemni garaži - vklju;eno v ceno (samo za osebna vozila, ki ne presegajo dolžine 5m). Rezervacije po predhodnem naročilu
Irena Ljubljana apartment
Jedilni pribor, posoda, gost. aparati
TV z več kot 40-imi programi
Balkon (B)/Terasa (T)/Loža (L)
Garaža (G)/Privatno parkirišče (P) (*)
Cena/dan (01.04.-01.11.) (Št. oseb)
od 130 € (1-2)
od 145 € (3)
od 160 € (4)
Cena/dan (01.11.-01.04.) (Št. oseb)
od 120 € (1-2)
od 135 € (3)
od 150 € (4)
Thanks for the wonderful accommodations and great service once again. It's my 3rd year using your agency and I am extremely satisfied with
the service. Hope to see you again in 2008 (USA)
We were pleasantly surprised by the quality, comfort & equipment in apartment Irena. We enjoyed every day here, and loved how close it was to the center of the city! The staff was also friendly, and we will be back again & again (from USA)
Have really enjoyed our stay here. Apartment is perfect for our needs and would be happy to recommend it (from UK)
Apartment could hardly be better – accommodation, location and kitchen equipment. Loved Ljubljana, nice sights, friendly people, relaxed. Visit to Kamnik – very worthwhile. Buses run every day, 6 EUR return. Thunderstorms first 3 days, but mostly warm. Fine weather for last 2 days. Really like Slovenian wine Pinot Noir. Had a great time + will recommend this place to others (from Ireland)
We have enjoyed our stay here in the very center of Ljubljana. The apartment is nice, well equipped and – very important-quiet.
Have really enjoyed Ljubljana and Irena. Lovely city & lovely apartment! We will be back in the summer!
Stanovanje nas je presenetilo in navdušilo s svojo odprtostjo, prijetnostjo, predvsem pa z izbrano in funkcionalno opremljenostjo.
Many thanks to Miro, Nika and everyone at Sobe...They all went 'above and beyond' helping to arrange car rental and creating a welcoming atmosphere. The apartment was perfect! An excellent location from which to enjoy all that Ljubljana has to offer. The city is great! We are glad we got here before the rest of the world.
Had a wonderful time in Slovenia. The best ever. The accommodation and staff were excellent. The location is perfect and all amenities that you could need were provided. Looking forward to staying here again in future visit. (from USA)
A2 + 2
Komenskega ulica
od 120 € za 2 osebi